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Clinical Resource Toolkit: Micromedex

Clinical toolkit of resources commonly used in the 3rd and 4th year

Micromedex @ UCFCOMHSL

How do I access Micromedex at UCF COM Health Sciences Library?

Micromedex can be accessed from the link in the Resources box below, or through the Health Sciences Library website:

  • By selecting Online Databases in the right navigation menu of the website & searching for "Micromedex."


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If you have any questions or need additional support with any of the library's resources, you can stop by and visit the Health Sciences Library Front Desk during our desk hours of 8:00am - 5:00pm, Monday through Friday, or contact the Library using one of the options below.


What is Micromedex?

Designed specifically for point-of-care clinicians, Micromedex provides a single interface to access, search, and navigate to drug, disease, toxicology, and patient education information. It provides access to the most used drug information, such as: dosing, adverse effects, indications, and interactions.  The library's subscription offers access to 5 mobile apps available on iOS and Android.

What can I use Micromedex for?

Micromedex can help you find current, accurate, and concise drug information you can use with confidence. Reviewed by international experts, our evidence-based information covers FDA-approved prescription and nonprescription drugs, as well as a subset of Health Canada and European Medicines Agency (EMA) approved prescription drugs. Areas discussed include dosage, black box warnings, pharmacokinetics, cautions, interactions, patient education, adverse effects, comparative efficacy, and toxicology information. There is a summary monograph and a detailed monograph for each topic. The Summary Drug Information monographs support quick decisions at the point of care, and DRUGDEX Detailed Drug monographs support further research and aid clinicians when making difficult treatment decisions. Because one editorial group creates all the Micromedex content, treatment recommendations are consistent.
The Micromedex application supports disease management with unbiased, evidence-based information and identification of best practices for treating diseases. It lets clinicians quickly reference the most current treatment of choice at the point of care to help minimize errors, prevent unnecessary tests or procedures, reduce treatment costs, and improve patient outcomes. Micromedex delivers both etiology and treatment information, with summary overviews for each medical condition providing recommendations for appropriate care. Micromedex Disease Information provides trusted information to help clinicians make confident decisions when treating emergent, acute, and chronic disorders, and supports meaningful outcomes and ensures the highest standards of care. There is a summary monograph and a detailed monograph for each topic. The Summary Disease Information monographs support quick decisions at the point of care, and the Detailed Disease General Medicine and Detailed Disease Emergency Medicine monographs support further research and aid clinicians when making difficult treatment decisions. Because one editorial group creates all the Micromedex content, treatment recommendations are consistent.
Accidental poisonings occur with even the most common and seemingly harmless substances. In such situations, having instant access to critical information can save lives. Relied upon in 100% of U.S. poison control centers, the Micromedex POISINDEX identifies ingredients for hundreds of thousands of commercial, biological, and pharmaceutical products. Micromedex links that information directly to detailed documents providing data on clinical effects, range of toxicity, and treatment protocols for exposure. There’s a summary monograph and a detailed monograph for each topic. The Summary Toxicology Information monographs support quick decisions, and POISINDEX Detailed Toxicology monographs support further research and assist in the management of all toxic exposures. They include in-depth knowledge on lab tests, monitoring, toxicokinetics, and more and breaks out data by severity of exposure. Because one editorial group creates all the Micromedex content, treatment recommendations are consistent.
Self-medicating with herbals and other dietary supplements is commonplace, as is treatment with acupuncture, chiropractic care, and homeopathy. You can give your patients a better understanding of these healthcare alternatives with the information found in the alternative medicine content of Micromedex. Micromedex can provide you a reliable, comprehensive source of referenced, scientifically sound information about complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies and practices. Designed for healthcare professionals, the information found in Alternative Medicine Information is an indispensable tool for answering the growing number of patients' CAM questions and exploring the possibilities. There’s a summary monograph and a detailed monograph for each topic. The Summary Alt Med Information monographs support quick decisions at the point of care, and the In Depth Alt Med Information monographs support further research and aid clinicians when making difficult treatment decisions. Because one editorial group creates all the Micromedex content, treatment recommendations are consistent.
Micromedex provides current, accurate, and concise lab information you can use with confidence. It also provides the most critical knowledge presented at the summary level with quick access to more detailed information. The Micromedex Lab Recommendations database contains critical information relevant to physicians, nurses, lab personnel, and pharmacy personnel.
The Drug Interactions tool in Micromedex helps with checking for interacting drug ingredients, their effects, and clinical significance. The interactions tool provides instant access to drug-drug, drug-food, drug-ethanol, and drug-lab test reactions.
Use the Trissel’s 2 IV Compatibility tool to avoid potentially dangerous drug combinations. When multiple IV medications are combined, the risk of complication is very real. Efficacy of one or more drugs can be reduced or a potentially dangerous incompatibility can occur. The IV Compatibility Tool provides easy access to Parenteral Compatibility with proven data to support safe decisions for administering injectable drugs in combination. Using information from leading IV compatibility expert, Lawrence Trissel, MS, FASHP, IV Compatibility in Micromedex presents compatibility results for parenteral drug combinations.
The Drug ID tool can assist you in identifying pharmaceutical tablets, caplets, and capsules by any of their physical characteristics such as shape, color, pattern, or imprint code. Micromedex for Poison Centers customers can display additional information in the search results, including: Excipients, Regulatory Status, AAPCC Code, Availability, Product ID, and Contact Information. Micromedex for Poison Centers customers can also open the toxicologic management for the substance from search results. When an overdose or toxic ingestion or exposure is suspected, this can close the information loop from identification to management. Micromedex returns a full-color image of the drug whenever possible, with a link to detailed product information.
The number of drugs available today is enormous, and the vast amount of information about these drugs can be mind boggling. Use the Drug Comparison tool to harness this information and give you easy access to side-by-side drug information. Reviewed by experts, Micromedex drug information is evidence-based, covers FDAapproved prescription and nonprescription drugs. Areas discussed include dosing, indications, availability (prescription or over-the-counter), black box warnings, pharmacokinetics, cautions, interactions, clinical applications, adverse effects, and comparative efficacy. View and compare drugs side-by-side with the Drug Comparison feature. Compare attributes such as: dosing, administration, indications, contraindications, precautions, adverse effects, and interactions to assist you in making the most informed choice.
NeoFax is designed to help clinicians improve outcomes and efficiencies with tools to safely and efficiently prescribe, calculate, and administer drug therapy for neonates. By providing complete neonatal drug information, NeoFax helps clinicians make accurate and informed treatment decisions while minimizing the risks for error. Using NeoFax® will help improve consistency across the neonatal care team and reduce medication errors. Pediatrics Medication safety is a critical challenge in the healthcare industry — and even more so in pediatrics. As children grow and change, so does the need for the most timely, accurate dosing, efficacy, and safety information available. Backed by the same editorial and clinical rigor that powers NeoFax, our Pediatrics solution provides clinicians with the information, tools, and evidence-based approach to prescribing drugs for this vulnerable patient population.
All of the calculators, dosing tools, references, and nomograms that have been included in the Micromedex application, can be found from the Calculators menu option on the main toolbar. The following tools can be accessed via the Calculators menu: Antidote Dosing and Nomograms, Dosing Tools, Laboratory Values, Clinical Calculators, and Measurement Calculators.

Using Micromedex on a Mobile Device

Micromedex Mobile Apps

Micromedex provides 5 apps for Apple and Android devices:  Micromedex® Drug Ref, Micromedex® Drug Int., Micromedex® IV Comp., Micromedex® NeoFax, and Micromedex® Pediatrics

  1. Log into Micromedex.
  2. Click on Mobile Application Access on the top right of the homepage.
  3. Click on Micromedex Native Mobile Apps.
  4. Follow the installation instructions on the page for the app of your choice.

Website Disclaimer

The University of Central Florida College of Medicine and the Harriet F. Ginsburg Health Sciences Library are not responsible for the content of the third-party (external) sites contained in this research guide. The information provided in this guide, or through links to third-party sites, is not intended as a substitute for medical or professional advice; these links are provided for the user's convenience only. The views and opinions expressed by the third-party sites do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the University of Central Florida, the UCF College of Medicine, or the Harriet F. Ginsburg Health Sciences Library.