VisualDx can be accessed from the link in the Resources box below, or through the Health Sciences Library website:
If you have further questions, or need additional support, links to VisualDx's Training & Support website are provided below. Users can also contact VisualDx directly using the provided Support Contact link below.
If you have any questions or need additional support with any of the library's resources, you can stop by and visit the Health Sciences Library Front Desk during our desk hours of 8:00am - 5:00pm, Monday through Friday, or contact the Library using one of the options below.
VisualDx is the single source for diagnostic clinical decision support. Searchable by symptoms, signs, and patient factors, VisualDx is a valuable resource for healthcare professionals. Tens of thousands of images and graphics speed comparison, recognition, and diagnosis. VisualDx is as a powerful reference tool to aid the physician in diagnosis, access next steps for management and care, and for patient education. VisualDx includes the world’s best dark skin atlas and most equitable image collection of disease presentations in people of all skin colors. The VisualDx decision support and reference tool for physicians includes more than 3000 diagnoses and over 41,000 medical images.
VisualDx teaches:
Users can search for Diseases on VisualDx by simply typing the disease or condition in the search bar.
VisualDx has tens of thousands of images and graphics that speed comparison, recognition, and diagnosis. If you are using or accessing VisualDx through the UCF College of Medicine Health Sciences Library, you may copy or link to VisualDx Images and illustrations for your clinical or educational use including consulting with individual colleagues, for patient education, and lectures or other teaching material presented within your institution. VisualDx images and illustrations must remain within the context of access-controlled, specific course material within your institution. When using an image from VisualDx the copyright watermark notice must remain intact and must include the source reference: Image source: VisualDx (
Please review the VisualDx Image Use Policy for more information.
Along with access to the VisualDx online database, Health Sciences Library users can install the VisualDx Mobile App on a mobile dvice. A list of technical requirements for supported devices is available here.
The University of Central Florida College of Medicine and the Harriet F. Ginsburg Health Sciences Library are not responsible for the content of the third-party (external) sites contained in this research guide. The information provided in this guide, or through links to third-party sites, is not intended as a substitute for medical or professional advice; these links are provided for the user's convenience only. The views and opinions expressed by the third-party sites do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the University of Central Florida, the UCF College of Medicine, or the Harriet F. Ginsburg Health Sciences Library.