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EndNote Library Guide

Moving or Sharing EndNote Libraries

Compress Library to Move or Share via Email


Save your complete library (the filename.enl file as well as its associated .Data folder and all of its contents) to a single compressed filename.enlx file in order to easily back up your library or send a copy to a colleague. Later, you can easily restore (unzip) the compressed library with EndNote. 

To save to a compressed library file:

  1. Open the library in EndNote.
  2. From the "File" menu, select "Compressed Library (.enlx)" and then "Next" (on a Mac click "OK").
  3. Use the file dialog box to save the EndNote Compressed Library (filename.enlx).

To restore a compressed library file:

  1. Open the filename.enlx file, which will extract the .ENL file and the .Data folder to
    the same folder where the .enlx file is located.
  2. If EndNote does not automatically open the library, then open the filename.enl file as you normally would to use the library.


NOTE: EndNote libraries larger than 4 gigabytes or 65,535 files cannot be compressed with EndNote’s Compressed Library command.

Information from:

Cite While You Write Video Tutorial