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EndNote Library Guide

What is EndNote's Cite While You Write?

EndNote's Cite While You Write Tool

EndNote's Cite While You Write (CWYW) feature allows users to insert citations from their EndNote library directly into a Word document, while a bibliography of the selected citations is automatically generated at the end of the document. Using EndNote's Cite While You Write function can save users hours of formatting and editing their citations and bibliography.

Cite While You Write:
  • Ensures the proper reference and bibliography format is followed for the selected citation style
  • Automatically re-formats the references and bibliography of a paper if a new citation style is selected
  • Automatically updates reference numbering and bibliography order as the document is edited and references are added, removed, or re-ordered.
  • EndNote CWYW is compatible with: Microsoft Word & PowerPoint, Office 365, Word for Mac, Google Docs, Apple Pages, and Writer.

Cite While You Write Video Tutorial

Cite While You Write Tutorial

Cite While You Write (CWYW) Tutorial
Creating JAMA-style citations with CWYW in Microsoft Word

  1. Go to EndNote and open the EndNote Library that contains the references for your paper.
  2. Open Microsoft Word and begin typing your paper.
  3. When you reach your first citation, place the cursor where your citation should be in your paper.
      JAMA Style: Citations are placed outside of periods or commas and inside of colons or semicolons.
JAMA style cursor placement
  1. Go to the EndNote Tab.
EndNote X9 CWYW Tab in Word
  1. Use the Insert Citation dropdown button and select Insert Citation.
      Insert Selected Citation(s) can be used to insert multiple citations in one location.

Insert Citation

  1. Click on the Insert Citation button, or choose Insert Citation from the dropdown menu.
Insert button and dropdown menu
  1. In the Find References box, search by Author, Title, or Year to find the desired reference.
  2. Select the reference from the results list and click Insert to insert your selected citation.
Reference Find and Select Box
  1. When the first citation is added to the document, EndNote will auto-generate a bibliography in the selected JAMA citation style at the bottom of the paper.
Inserted citation and bibliography
  1. As more citations are added, or as citations are moved when the paper is edited, EndNote will auto-update the bibliography and citation numbering to reflect the correct citation order for the JAMA style.
Additional citations and auto-update example


Quick Tip
Once you have finished writing your paper, we strongly advise you to save a version of your paper as a .docx file and save a separate version as a .rtf file.

The .rtf file type "disengages" EndNote so that there will not be any formatting issues when submitting your paper to LiveText or any other upload sites. Unfortunately disengaging EndNote means that any citation edits or additions made in your .rtf file will NOT auto-update in the bibliography.

Saving a .docx file version of your paper keeps EndNote "engaged" and allows you to make further citation edits, or additions to your paper, while still taking advantage of the bibliography auto-update feature from Cite While You Write.


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