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EndNote Library Guide


Students in the FIRE module need to install the medical terms list and install JAMA_COM style to complete setting up EndNote.

Install the Medical Terms List.
 The Medical Terms List is a list of medical journal names, and their accepted NLM abbreviations, that is provide to EndNote by PubMed. Since the JAMA citation style depends heavily on these journal abbreviations, COM users must install the medical terms list, and it should be updated annually.

1. Go to Library > Open Terms List > Journals Term List

Steps to install medical terms list.

2. In the Terms List window, click on the List tab > Import List.

3. For PC users: Click on Medical, then Open. (Repeat steps for any other journal lists you want installed).

For Mac users:  In Applications, EndNote should be highlighted (if not, click on EndNote). Then scroll down to the Terms folder and select the Medical.txt file, then click on Choose. In the pop up window click OK to install the term list. (Repeat steps for any other journal lists you want installed).

Screenshot of medical term list directions

4. Close the Terms List window.


Install the JAMA_COM style

EndNote includes the JAMA citation style. However, the College of Medicine requires a slightly modified version of the JAMA style. To ensure that all students meet the College of Medicine's required standards for their JAMA citation style, the Health Sciences Library has created an EndNote Style Output File of the COM approved JAMA style.

1. Click here to download the JAMA_UCF_COM style.

2. Click the downloaded JAMA_-_UCF_COM Style file to open it in EndNote.
  If asked to select a program to open the file, select EndNote.

4. Once the file has opened in the Citation Style window, go to File > Save As.

5. In the Save As box, either keep the default style name or enter some version of JAMA-UCF-COM to differentiate it from EndNote's default JAMA style, then click Save.

6. Close the Citation Style window in EndNote.

Congratulations! Your EndNote is set up correctly!