Though it is not a requirement for FIRE, if you are interested in publishing your project please follow these suggestions:
- Select three journals you are interested in publishing in.
- One way to find journals is to do a search in PubMed on your topic and use the article type filter to filter by reviews, scroll through the results to see journals that publish review articles.
- First, make sure the journal accepts literature reviews.
- Then review the author guidelines for information on requirements of the review, (ie, number of databases that need to be searched, whether or not a protocol must be used, limits on references, word counts, formatting and style).
- Lastly, read several review articles from the journal to use as a model for your review.
- Remember to use the FIRE template found in webcourses for your proposal and FIRE conference submission.
- For help finding journals see the Getting Published Guide, or your personal librarian or Terri Gotschall,