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BMS 6016 Practice of Medicine 2: Faculty Contact Information

BMS 6016 Module Director

Dr. Nazeema Khan-Assad

BMS 6016 Faculty Contact Information

Contact information for the Faculty and Coordinators of the
BMS 6016: Practice of Medicine 2 module.

BMS 6016 Faculty











BMS 6016 Coordinators



Clinical Skills Self-Directed Practice Sessions

Self-Directed Practice (SDP): Students can practice clinical skills individually or in small groups with other students (limit 4 students) and may request to have a Standardized Patient (SP) specially trained in either physical exam or communications skill, equipped with the ability to give verbal feedback to students.  While we cannot guarantee the availability of a SP for all sessions, we will try to accommodate students’ requests.

For complete information on SDP time, please visit the Clinical Skills and Simulation Center Webcourse, and sign up as follows:

  1.  For Self‐Directed Practice time with an SP, login to the SDP website using your NID and Password.  
  2. For SDP time WITHOUT an SP, please email the Clinical Skills and Simulation Center directly ( at least two (2) weeks in advance. Please note that the center will only be available on those Fridays in which SDP is being offered.   

Harriet F. Ginsburg Health Sciences Library

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Monday - Friday

8:00am to 5:00pm

(Guests 8:00am – 4:30pm)